Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Good Just Got Better

Yup yup, what’s good just got better, and its climbing the better ladder rather faster than I imagined. If you ever read anything and liked it on this site, please visit WWW.GOLDINWORDS.COM because that is what this blog has grown into. Goldinwords is getting a mmmaaaajjooor portion of all the time, energy and creativity, so there’ll be relatively less action on this site, so do well to visit www.goldinwords.com ,you’ll love it, I promise! Because every word will be worth your golden time!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Usually what you see right after the hot steamy passionate sex scene in most movies is the woman covered only in a bed sheet, reminiscing the just-ended glorious coitus in dreamland and thinking how fantastic the rest of their lives together’s gonna be with her prince charming by her side against the whole world… and the guy is usually in nothing but boxers; either sitting at the edge of the bed or looking through the window with his hand holding up his chin with this look on his face as if searching for the answer to the question his stone-cold silence is screaming above the movie’s background music; “how on earth did I end up in this stinking mess???!!!””
The answer to that question is in a rather explicit but deeply profound statement I heard some time back, and if you aren’t at least 18 yrs old, PLEASE STOP READING RIGHT HERE!!! Well, thus saith the statement; “an erected penis hath no conscience” and I concur, otherwise right BEFORE he defiled her, the 60 something year old father would THINK of the grave consequences of an uncontrolled libido on his liberty, and the future of his 12 and1/2 year old girl.
Did you hear the explanation the 49 year old the man who defiled his teenage daughter gave to the judge just last month? “Your Honor, I forgot my 46 year old wife had gone for a funeral over the weekend and thought it was actually my wife i was in bed with.” No kidding this actually happened, and you can read the full story on my joy online; http://news.myjoyonline.com/news/200912/39540.asp
But let’s not get carried away, this piece isn’t about retarded perverts or erotic movies (my pastor could be reading this you know, lol), it’s about the ‘sex scenes’ in each of our lives, and how we just only conveniently realize how inappropriate the ‘deed’ is only after we ‘climax’.
Why do we WONDER how we got in a certain addictive situation after we’ve consciously repeated the same vice over and over again? We feel embarrassed about how little self-control we have over our little ‘sex-scenes’ and we sit at the edge of our ‘beds’ regretting that we selfishly led another sweet girl on, smoked another cigar, told him another lie, watched another pornographic movie, disappointed God again.
Every time you look back and realize you’ve strayed so far from what you actually believe in and stand for….again!! it’s only brave to realize that it didn’t JUST HAPPEN! You didn’t accidentally slip and fall right into her (some guy’s excuse for sleeping with his best friend’s girlfriend). It happened one slip at a time, till you could rationalize it in your mind long enough for it to be alright to do it ‘just 1 more time’. Then the ripping, wrenching state sets in when your conscience kicks in…then we ask the same old boring question again; “how on earth did I end up in this stinking mess??!!!”
Why must ‘yawa’ always pae before we realize how immature or stupid or vain we can be? Is it possible to be brave enough to stop ourselves right in our tracks before things get shitty? Can we be more diligent, more in control? More sensitive to the effects our actions have on others? Can we keep our bodies as the temple of God that it actually is? Can we render our ‘after sex thoughts’ redundant?
In conclusion to a sermon she’d just preached, the lady-pastor said; “the weight of self-discipline is much much lighter than the load of regret”….than the weight of our ‘after-sex thoughts’. I concur!